After completing the first half of my fall semester at North Central, I figure I have around about a 3.6 GPA. I have not seen that number on my report card since 12th grade when my ITEDS score said I was at a 3rd grade 6th month level of education. So tell me why Dr. Ruisch pulled out three of my four wisdom teeth on Thursday. If he wasn't kind enough to leave one of those bad boys in, there would be not even a hint of wisdom in me.
Thursday morning I was awaken by my mom who immediately gave me three powerful pills of anesthesia to completely knock me out. The operation was at 8:00 only lasting about thirty minutes and 100% pain-free. My mom drove me home so I could actually experience life with no wisdom teeth. The rest off the day was sleeping with a frozen bag of green peas on my left cheek and a frozen bag of corn on my right cheek. I was up long enough to run up to Sport Clips for a little haircut action. There were no complications at all on Thursday, as a matter of fact, I didn't swell up at all.
Although this is obviously not an ideal fall break for me, it has been quite relaxing. My dad is in Africa so I have been hanging out with Bethany and my mom. Tonight Brenden and Peter are coming over and we are going to drink milkshakes, eat chocolate chip cookies and watch Winter Break, the best movie ever. Thank you for those who prayed for this to be a simple procedure and quick recovery; it has been great so far. And thank you mom for taking care of me, I loved being home!
Jonathan...you are my man! Who decided you should have your wisdom teeth out?
Did Uncle Doug ever tell you the story of how he almost died after having his wisdom teeth out? He was in his second year at C.B.C.
However before you spaz out...your dentist put you on anti-biotic immediately...Doug's dentist sent hom home without anything. He couldn't get home so I could take care of him.
I love the blog and I love the pictures.
Gammies little favorite...you are still not in the will so quit trying.
Sorry that i never commented...didnt think you cared that much but since you do...congratulations! You must be really tough, or maybe we just have a really good dentist. :) anyhow, i am glad it went so well and once again i am proud of you for your grades...keep up the 3.6!
jonathan, you're right, your grandma's comment sounds just like something I'd say. I'm thankful everything went so well for you (even though I didn't think you should have gotten them out;your gram might have wanted to talk you out of it too). SHE IS THE BEST BLOGGER OUT OF ALL OF YOU! I love her blogs, they make me laugh and cry. She should write devotionals. Your whole family does a nice job blogging. We sure enjoyed spending time with you, Bethany and your mom. I just love your mom-she's a real treasure. Keep up the great work on your grades. I'm praying for you-keep the Lord first.
congrats of being wisdom-free! Dr. Ruisch is the best dentist in the world, there is nobody who compres.
and I think that you'll for SURE still be able to keep up your grades, you are very smart.
we're sending your north face stuff tomorrow (wed.)
this was a random comment. i loved the blog.
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