
not quite thanksgiving...

Thursday night one of my buddies Vinnie, and I, went to get dinner at the deli. As we neared the oder line, we couldn't help but notice they were serving chicken nuggets. Now at North Central, the deli only serves the nuggets about once a month. So we were thinking how great dinner was going to be and how good the chicken nuggets would taste. The lady working the deli even gave us a few extra nuggets to be nice. After eating about 60% of our juicy, all white, tasty chicken nuggets, a group of our posse walked by in shock. They asked us why in the world we were eating at the deli. I responded with, "Hello! Are you kidding me? It is chicken nugget day, that is why we are eating at the deli." Well, little did I know that right below us in the cafeteria, they were serving a homemade Thanksgiving feast. Complete with Turkey, REAL mashed potatoes, fresh corn, stuffing, pumpkin pie, etc. At that point Vinnie and I were sick. Not from the excess amount of nuggets we had just inhaled, but of the unfortunate news we had just received from our classmates. We missed the annual NCU Turkey Day cafeteria feast and didn't even know it.

After a couple hours of beating my self up and asking the question, why...why...why me, I was able to really find a spiritual application from this. We really thought the nuggets were as good as it gets, there couldn't have been anything as good as those. There are times we as Christians think we have experienced or tasted the best in life. God has something even better if we just allow him to work in us and through us. If we trust God and give him our time and resources, he will bless us beyond measure. I challenge us not to settle for what is good but let us pursue what is best. May we not be happy with the chicken nuggets when there is a Thanksgiving feast available for us to enjoy.


Bethany said...

i am excited too! number one cuz your coming home... i guess :) and number two for mom's pumpkin desert! did you know that she bought pumpkin ice cream and also egg nog ice cream? weird
p.s. send me the link to your myspace...i have one now
p.s. i am listening to your favorite christmas song.

Jonathan Palmer said...

i dont have myspace anymore i dont think. when did u get it?

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs. You probably shouldnt have the Thanksgiving meal anyway. You may have eaten too much and got indigestion. I know you will have a great meal when you get home for Thanksgiving.
Let me know how to get into your "myspace?"
I love you Jonathan CLAY Palmer.