I am going home on Wednesday for fall break and I do not even know how to get there. Since when do you have to map quest how to get to your own house. New state, new city, new house, new room, but not new mom. Everything is going to be new this weekend except for one thing. Great cooking, laundry, and back scratching. I am thoroughly excited to get to go home for the first time since August. A few of my friends from my floor are coming home with me. Jaren, Weston, and Dustin are coming to Springfield with me which will be fun.
Blogging has not really be on my to-do list this school year so far because I have been so busy. Just a glimpse of what has been going on here at NCU so far.
1. God spoke to me earlier this year and challenged me to challenge our floor to raise $2,000 for World Misisons.
2. I have attended 2 Ohio State games, one of them that was nine hours away in Indiana and I did the whole trip in one day.
3. Planned and hosted a school wide ping-pong tournament.
4. I am interning with Pastor Tory Farina at High Point Church on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons.
5. Going undefeated in intramural football and earning the #1 seed for the playoffs. Our floor has outscored our opponents 174-49 this year in five games.
6. And studying. Ha.
Stay tuned for some more specific updates. This is a picture of a bunch of my buddies at a bar-b-que.
i like how you threw in studying at the very end. good call. jk
I didn't know about the school-wide ping pong tournament...how cool! Did you win?
Helen Wagoner, Dr. Woods secretary read your blog and loved it. After her telling me about it I read it myself and my comment to you is " I love you, son! You're such an awesome guy. Wherever you are you create an atmosphere of joy. I loved having you home!"
i think its spelled business... wait no thats not the right context...hmm... anyways thats cool that you are raising that much money for missions.. i didnt know that!
time for a thanksgiving blog bro. let's go!
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