Today I video chatted with Grandma for about 15 minutes over my lunch break. I called her to congratulate her on being a great grandma and she told me she has a web cam. So we both got online and talked for a while. It was great and she was having so much fun. Heather called me during our chat and I answered and said, "hey I will call you back because I am video chatting with my gram." She thought that was pretty sweet, and so did I, that my grandma, who is a great-grandma now, is video chatting. What a cool grandma. Love you Gram...you're awesome.
Thanks Jonathat for taking time with your "cool Gram." But the real reason I am cool is because I have such "cool" grands...and I do mean grand. What would I do without you keeping me updated and young in heart.
Love you...Keep studying...
You still not in the will...buckaroo!
Your Gram is the BEST! I WANT A VIDEO CAM...or a MAC! I hope I don't have to wait until I am a Great Gram!
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