
am i a bear? (ha that title is kinda funny)

Yesterday afternoon, I laid down in my bed around 3:00 for a little cat nap. However, because I did not set my alarm, I didn't wake up until 6:30 PM. Hibernation would be the word to describe my 3 and 1/2 hour nap yesterday. To be honest, I have had a history of taking hibernation-like naps. During high school I would turn my cell phone on silent, take the house phone off the hook, close my blinds, and turn the doorbell off. Some things never change I guess. College is the perfect place for naps. I was a little convicted this morning while I was reading my Bible. I read in Proverbs chapter 10 that "he who sleeps during the harvest is a disgraceful son." Instead of doing my homework (or gathering my crops like in that passage), I slept the day away. So my goal for today is to not take a nap.

Make it a great day or not...the choice is yours.


Bethany said...

thats funny...i am glad you are starting to change your ways a little bit. not like they were that bad, but...well...whatever! love ya
p.s. i am proud of you for your GREAT grades...i have rubbed off on you some i suppose :)

Gram Clay said...

Did you know your mom used to do the same thing? The only difference was she didn't stay out late socializing.
It sounds like you are really enjoying college and studying too.
I'm proud of you.(and Bethany for all she invested in you academically)
Are you keeping track of your A's for me?
Sounds like you had a great week end. Remember "When duty and pleasure clash, let duty...no no no, let pleasure go to smash.
Love you Jonathan

Anonymous said...

well at least you're reading your Bible, thats the most important thing. im praying you have the discipline to read it everyday-naps are good for your health-so is going to bed a little earlier ha! is that possible for you? Gabrielle has actually managed that a couple times this week. she also took a 3 hour nap on tuesday. I need to amp up the prayers for you two. Tell Steve and Ben to keep their eye on your fish oil consumption!

Anonymous said...

so whattt happened to the sweeet blog you were telling me you were gonnnna write? youu neeed to get onnn that, ha talk to you laterrr :] tell everyone i saiddd hi!

Anonymous said...

Whose quilt is that you're using?

Anonymous said...

Whose quilt are you using?