I would consider my self a fairly wise person...most of the time. However, this weekend I let my eating habits get out of control. It was not that I tried to but here is what happened...
On Saturday afternoon we had a Creative Team meeting for the Oaks Church, pastored by Chris Bradshaw. Before the meeting we all met at Chipotle right across the street for lunch. I had not had Chipotle in a couple of months, and since I rarely pass up a free lunch, I took advantage. Twenty four hours later after a wonderful Sunday morning service at church, Brad had to prepare for a 3:00 meeting, so Aunt Marilyn offered to take me to Chipotle. She did not realize I had eaten there the day before and I felt bad countering her generous offer so I thought one more burrito wouldn't hurt. I felt uncomfortably full after round two but I thought I would sweat it off. Sweat it off at the Detroit Tigers baseball game I attended that day where the heat index hit 99 degrees! Well wouldn't you know that one of the members of Church of the King won a meal for ten at Chipotle on Monday evening. Of course, being an intern, I am invited to most church functions, especially free ones. Let me just say that I did eat my third, size of a small cat, burrito in a short 72 hours.
In conclusion, I am writing this blog from the Leach's house, where I am staying this summer, because my stomach has been on its own schedule. Isn't funny how I spent my prayer time this morning asking the Holy Spirit to move in my life today, and the only thing that He seems to be moving is my stomach.
My decision to eat three burritos, each weighing nearly a pound, was not one of my wiser decisions in my lifetime.
Due to my dangerously high cholesterol I must watch my fat and sugar intake. Well I thought a Chipotle burrito was somewhat healthy but I just discovered, while looking for that picture, that an average burrito has 50 grams of fat and 1200 calories!!! This may be my last blog if that is true. Please pray for this unhealthy blogger.
Uh-oh. I guess I better reschedule our Chipotle lunch for tomorro:)
haha, thats funny!
Oh, I LOVE Chipotle!! Next time, though, you should get the burrito in a bowl and then it will be a little more healthy.
yeah, and the salad i got wasn't so bad! no more cat-sized burritos for you...
You grandpa Clay has a place reserved for you...it the cholesterol condo section.
1,200 calories?! Hey, I want my younger brother to be around when I'm old and need to be cared for ...so stay away from Chipotle for a few years. :)
I'm worried....I'm very worried; you know the Bible says "worry about nothing" but I just can't help myself, you're a tough case Jonathan (ha)...I can only pray you are upping your vitamin dose.
Although, I really don't think drugs or vitamins stand a chance against the Chipotle diet!
Pleeeease stay completely away from Chipotles.......
No more, no more no more.
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