
faholo reunion

The last time I was at FAHOLO campgrounds in Grass Lake, Michigan, I lot of things were different. The last time I was at FAHOLO...

-the new sanctuary was not built yet
-I was young enough to enter the 3 on 3 basketball tournament and take it seriously
-my cousin Betsy and her husband Rob were not married yet
-I enjoyed the snack shack more than my mom's cooking
-go-carts and turtle races were very appealing to me
-I was just old enough to make fun of the kids who had to leave the adult service after worship

This past Friday night I had the privilege to go up to FAHOLO and here my dad speak. I also got to see my Grandma Clay. It was neat to sit with her during the service because this was close to her 60th consecutive year of attending the camp. My dad did an amazing job preaching, as always, and I enjoyed being with my grandma.


Gram Clay said...

I loved being able to sit beside you and worship with you in the service. It really was a very "special moment" for me and I will always cherish that time hsving you beside me. I just got back from Fa-Ho-Lo. I sat with your Aunt Marilynn and listened to your dad. He was awesomely anointed.
I love you Jonathan!

Mary Beth said...


I love your Gram, too. AND your dad preached a great message on Thursday night as well. I know it spoke to alot of people.

Keep up the blogging!!!!

Mary Beth said...

the ahhh...in the previous comment was supposed to be and Awwwww....(like 'how sweet'). sorry for the typo.

TN Bakers said...

I didn't even recognize the background at faholo...it looks completely different! I'd love to go back sometime with Jeremy.

it was great talking with you today - I love you and I'm proud of you.


Bethany said...

where was this picture taken?

Anonymous said...

You are sooo blessed to have your Gram.