What a morning! Could you imagine if every day off for you or me began with a full body massage. When I signed up for a membership at Life Time Fiteness, I was given a free, 30 minute massage. I used it today to make sure my day was productive.
This was the first massage I have ever received. I was not sure if the massage would match the greatness of my mom's back scratches. However, I really enjoyed my massage today. The lights were dimmed, Indian style instrumental music was softly plaing in the background, a candle was burning, and a mini waterfall was adding to the relaxing atmosphere.
My massage therapist told me to focus on deep breaths and go to my "happy place." After she said that, I spent most of my time with Grace in Maui, playing a round of golf at Kapalua, and watching an Ohio State/Michigan game on the couch, with a plate of oatmeal M&M cookies and a glass of AE Milk.
I just hope I do not become addicted to massages like my eldest sister, Amy, has.
you are a piece of work!
Must be rough, Johnathan!
I just spent the last several minutes reading your family's blogs. WOW! I've been in tears reading what God has been doing in their lives and how they have persevered in faith through heartache. Awesome testimonies; my heart has been encouraged. I pray God richly blesses them and you too. Have a great day in the Lord!
Thank you jonathan for fitting me into your "happy place".
I was thinking about what my happy place would look like, and thought i should share...
Trading spaces, jonathan by my side, eating rice dream ice cream :)
sounds almost like yours...haha..
Massages are wonderful. We hav a registered nurse from our church who is also a massage therapist. I go about 2 or 3 times a year.
I could use one right at the moment. I sat through 4 of Wesley's basketball games last night.
PS Jonathat...You better save a little room for gram in your dreams.
i think if my massage therapist would have even mentioned the words "happy place" I would have been cracking up the rest of the massage! that is so funny!
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