Now that I am officially an uncle, I have a responsibility to take care of my new nephew. I thought it would be beneficial to give him a few words of wisdom as he starts his life. Here are 10 tips for Grant.
1. You were born a Buckeye no matter what state you live in.
2. Memorize "How Great Thou Art" as soon as possible.
3. Your mom has been sitting for one straight month and has a lot of energy ready to exert.
4. Your dad works for the FBI so learn right away that you will not get away with anything.
5. Enjoy being the only grandchild while you are because once the next one comes your time will be done.
6. Be alert and on your toes because at any given time you could hear English, Spanish, or German, spoken to you.
7. Read your Bible and pray every day or you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.
8. If you do not request to play Chutes and Ladders or Candy Land Bingo then you will end up playing Trivial Pursuit.
9. Your dad can teach you how to play every sport but just let your uncle teach you how to play basketball.
10. If you ever do anything dumb and get in trouble just tell mom and dad you were trying to be like Uncle Johnny.
Love you Grant and I can't wait to meet you soon. You da' man little guy.
hahaha, that is so funny!!
That is GREAT, Uncle Johnny!
that's awesome! I meant to check that out a few days ago, but now that Grant is sound asleep (wish it could have been last night instead of during the day, but oh well) I had time to read it. I laughed out loud. Another thing Grant will learn from you is a great sense of humor :) Love you Uncle Jonny. - amy
I read two of your writings this week. The one on Job and the one to Grant. Your tips to Grant outdid your Job paper. You are amazing. It was hilarious! Amy and I laughed together as she called and read it to me over the phone! Mom
Great blog, great advice...I think Jeremy and Amy should print that one and read it to little Grant every day. You are a super duper unkie...Love you...
Great blog, great advice...I think Jeremy and Amy should print that one and read it to little Grant every day. You are a super duper unkie...Love you...
Du kennst mich ziemlich gut, junger Schwiegelbruder! Pero, hay much mas que saber. Bientot tu vas a savoir plus de moi et de mon fils.
You're going to be a fantastic uncle. Keep up the good work!
hahahahaha good luck with #2 :)
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