One CNN headline yesterday read, Nation's "Icebox"hits record 40 below zero. As I clicked on that thinking the North Pole or Siberia just made the front page of CNN, I was surprised at one popped up. Minneapolis, MN, the nation's icebox. Although, the report came from Minneapolis, the town that actually hit that temperature was north of the city. So we were pretty lucky, it was only about 30 below in Minneapolis yesterday. It is so cold that when I breath through my nose outside, I can feel everything in my nose freeze. There is no real way to stay warm at all unless you stay inside.
Which staying inside is what I did all day yesterday. From 9-3 yesterday, I had the awesome opportunity of being part of this year's Missional Church Conference. I was able to attend four of the five sessions yesterday and hear guys like Mark Batterson and Earl Creps share their hearts in a relatively small group setting. There are probably 30-40 pastors, and me, from the Minnesota district here. What a neat experience to hear how God is using these men and what they are doing to reach people for Jesus.
I love reading your blog because of how much I love you.
I am just learning how to post comments. So the one before, submitted by anonymous was me. I forgot to write, mom, at the end. Thought it would be wise to clarify who was declaring their love to you. I wouldn't want anyone else wondering! Especially with Valentine's Day so close at hand! Meant what I said in the first comment. You're awesome! Mom
Thanks for the mention in your blog, Jonathan. I had a blast at the conference. Love being able to get up close in these smaller settings!
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